School Documents

21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

ARMS Online Newspaper

The Gryphon Times is now online; select "TheGryphonTimes" blog to see the latest student submissions, and check back often!

Please be patient with this site; it is not yet fully functional, as we are currently testing it to see how it works.  ARMS community members (students, parents, and guardians) must be approved before they are officially registered.

Welcome to your new blog community that has just been launched!

Our ARMS blog community consists of two layers. This is the homepage and administration layer of your blog community. Here is where members can register and later on login to access their individual blog. Through displayed lists like the "recent updates" list it is easy to keep track of new blog posts from other members of the community. This is also where the administrator of the community posts news like this one.

The second layer consists of all the indidividual blogs of the ARMS community members. This could be a photoblog designed for sharing photographs, a blog for sharing ideas among staff members, or a traditional blog. Please use the "Sign up now!"-link to create an individual blog to be a part of this community.

Happy blogging!